Windows Live Theme For BlogEngine.NET

Windows live theme for blog engine

I have now been using BlogEngine for 2 years now and I was kinda fed up with the standard theme I have been since starting which I have modified a bit to look more prettier. I am not saying it’s bad but it’s too much now, I should do a makeover of my blog. Now the BlogEngine community is not as big and vast as that of the most popular blogging engine Wordpress and therefore it is hard to get beautiful themes for BlogEngine.

This time I made my mind and sat down to create a new theme for my blog from scratch (LOL!!) but with the help of some good looking Wordpress theme. So I began my search and what I got is the one I have been looking for in the past when I started blogging. I found a Wordpress theme which resembles Windows Live default blue skin. It looks good to me so I download and start changing the looks for my blog. I don’t know if I have messed up, but I like it and so my blog is up with a new Windows Live theme. There are few other customizations that I have done with the theme that works for my blog like after every post you see a Google Ads (let me know if they are annoying, which I feel they are not), logos of the sites having a reference of my blog and some other internal stuff (simple HTML and server-side work). This is the case with me, for you there are no hiccups, just copy and paste the Windows Live theme folder inside Themes folder and you are done.

This theme is based on the standard theme template for BlogEngine. If you have any suggestions to make the theme look more beautiful in some way or the other (as I am not a designer) please do share with me and all of us in the community.

Download: (70.33 kb)

UPDATE: There is a slight change in the style.css file. The image above is broken when a blog is viewed in a large display.

it is now been fixed. Please download the latest style sheet from the link below.

style.css (13.91 kb)

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