HTML 5: Show Your Support / Tell The World Dec 3, 2011 WEB

HTML5 Logo

If you really love working with HTML5 the this is then time to show some support for HTML5. Use the HTML5 badge builder to create a badge and use it on your blog/website to show your support. The badge builder allows you to customize the badge with tech you use with HTML5. You can see the badge I customized with the tech under badge section on the right.

HTML5 love

The site for HTML5 has to offer more than just a badge. You can download HTML5 Logos, stickers, T-shirts, jacket, grey hoodie and beanie to show your love or I must say more precisely show off your HTML5 love. The HTML5 T-shirts are awesome and worth buying if you want to show off. Take a look at HTML5 Logo T-Shirts and buy one if you really like HTML5 and yes if you want to show off and make other jealous.

Get Song Lyrics From LYRDB With ASP.NET MVC And JQuery Nov 26, 2011 API   ASP.NET MVC

Most of the times I have seen people looking for song lyrics on online MP3 or lyrics database sites. Few of them provide API to fetch lyrics which is good for developers. has a powerful API but they don’t provide any API call to fetch lyrics. The two most popular APIs on the web that I am aware of is WikiLyrics, LyricsDB (popularly known as LyrDB), there is another API from ChartLyrics but I don’t find it as useful as the other two APIs. The WikiLyrics API works beautifully, but it has one drawback the lyrics fetched from the service is incomplete. I wrote a complete desktop application to fetch lyrics, album art, artist image, album name and album release date but never made it available to download for public. I am planning to release it to general users. But till then you can take a look at this simple little app which I created in my spare time to fetch lyrics from LyrDB. This little simple application is in ASP.NET MVC. I am not a designer so I will take advantage of the default design. In the home controller I have a simple method named GetLyrics which accepts two parameters Artist Name and Song Name. The method returns results in JSON as it will be good for me to parse the results in JQuery. Take a look at the code:

public ActionResult GetLyrics(string ArtistName, string SongName)
          string response = string.Empty;
          string LyrURL = string.Empty;
          string url = "" + ArtistName + "|" + SongName + "&for=match";
          WebResponse wResp = (WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest).GetResponse();
          using (StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(wResp.GetResponseStream()))
              response = sReader.ReadToEnd();
          if (response == "")
              response = "No Lyrics found on LyrDB for " + SongName + " by " + ArtistName;
              goto Output;
          string[] lyrID = response.Split('\\');
          response = "";
          LyrURL = "" + lyrID[0]+"&callback=?";
          return Json(new
              success = true,
              Lyrics = LyrURL

The above code does not return the lyrics but the URL to get the lyrics. I am a big Jquery fan and as usual I will be using it here to make an AJAX call and load an IFRAME with the lyrics URL.

$(document).ready(function () {
        $("#btnSearch").click(function () {
            $("#btnSearch").attr('disabled', true);
            $("#LyrFrame").attr('src', '');
            var Artist = $("#txtArtistName").val();
            var Song = $("#txtSongName").val();
            var url = "/Home/GetLyrics?ArtistName=" + Artist + "&SongName=" + Song;
                url: url,
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "json",
                data: "{'ArtistName': " + Artist + ",'SongName': " + Song + "}",
                success: function (data) {
                    $("#btnSearch").attr('disabled', false);

The URL in the above script calls GetLyrics method which is inside Home Controller takes artist and song name as query string. On the success of the call the IFRAME gets loaded with the lyrics URL. The output will look something like this:

LyrDB app in action

You can download the application source code from the below link, but I want to tell you that it will not fetch each and every song lyrics for you. It’s a database and it can provide us only information it has. But the desktop application I am will release in future will check around 2 lyrics API at least and I believe that my application guarantees 100% result. So follow my upcoming posts.

Download: (886.46 kb)

Related Links:

Upload and Show Image Without Post Back With Jquery Sep 11, 2011 ASP.NET   ASP.NET MVC   JQUERY   WEB

Previously in a lot of hurry I wrote a post on how to upload files in MVC3 with the help of Uploadify, a famous jQuery plugin to upload files. If you have not heard about it yet, then it is time for you to check and find out what this plugin can do for you. Appending my last post about this plugin (which was not very well written) I tried one more thing with it today. This time I am trying to upload an image and then show it inside a DIV without a post back. If you have the source code from the previous post, then it will be good as you need not to start from the scratch.

I assume that you are a good designer as I am not. I am saying this because I really got a blank head in designing. Therefore it is up to you how you are going to show off the images on the page, I am just telling you a way to do that. I am using MVC3 for this example but it will work for both web forms and MVC. The only difference in MVC and web forms is in the server side code which is responsible to upload the file. If you are using MVC3 then your method to upload the file in the controller will be something like this:

public string Upload(HttpPostedFileBase fileData)
        var fileName = this.Server.MapPath("~/uploads/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileData.FileName));
        return "OK";

As we are using Uploadify, we now have to make changes in some of the parameters of the plugin. The Upload method is inside home controller, so the script parameter of the plugin will be /Home/Upload. For my convenience I have changed the multi and auto parameter to false and true respectively. By now this is the jQuery code I have:

In the end I append one more parameter onComplete which gets fired when the plugin finish uploading the file. To get the uploaded path of the image I am using fileObj.filePath and response to check if the file has been uploaded successfully or not. If the response I received after the uploading of the file is completed is ok then I will set the html to show the image in another DIV. Below is the complete configuration of the plugin.

ASP.NET app to upload the image

Just to demonstrate I have placed an alert message box with the response which got fired on the onComplete event after the image has been uploaded successfully. After this I have created a html string which is actually a html img tag with src and alt tags. I have then set the same html string to another DIV which acts as a holder of the image being uploaded. Here is an output after the image is uploaded. Just to remind you, it is all done without post back.

Image displayed without postback

This is it, try it yourself and I recommend you to check out the documentation of the plugin I used. Check out the other links below and one more thing that I would like you to do is to set the multi property of the plugin to true and the try uploading multiple images. If you end up making something awesome then do share with me/us.

Related Links:

Integrate DISQUS For Comment Management In MVC Sep 3, 2011 API   ASP.NET MVC

I have been working on a MVC project which I will be using to save and manage all my code snippets. I get this plan in my head when my 160GB of HDD got crashed which holds most of my work and code. I started writing the web application in web forms and almost got it completed, but eventually changed my mind and started writing the application from scratch in MVC 3 with Razor view engine.

As I will be making this application online, I am sure to receive some comments when I share my code with others. To know what people thing about the code I published, I must have a commenting system for my application to know what people think. Instead of writing my own comment mechanism I would rather want to go with DISQUS commenting system. For my blog I am not using DISQUS, but for this application I will use DISQUS as it will save my time and is also a reliable way to manage comments.

Working with MVC is fun and even more when you are working with helper classes. Read my blog post on Working with Microsoft Web Helpers in ASP.NET to know more about helper classes and their features and how they can save your time in developing applications. I am going to show you how you can integrate DISQUS commenting system in your MVC application with ease. To get started, register a DISQUS account.

Create a new MVC project in Visual Studio and without any delay go to NuGet console and type in the below command to add the DISQUS helper class.

DISQUS Nuget package command

The DISQUS helper class has 2 methods which we will be going to use.

  • Initialize: This method will help us to initialize the commenting system. It accepts your short forum name as a parameter which you have created at the time of creating your account at DISQUS.
  • ShowComments: This method accepts the name of the page.

To initialize DISQUS, we need to set the Initialize method in _ViewStart.cshtml file. You can find this file under Views folder. Make sure that this is a first line in the file as we have to initialize before the layout of the page gets rendered.


Now as we have initialized, we can show the comments on the page. To show the comments on the page we will use the ShowComments method and pass the page name in the parameter. Just to be more precise about this parameter, I would like to point out that on a forum, blog or on a website every page has a unique name or forum post id or blog post and the parameter that we are going to pass to this method should also be the same unique post id or page name.

@Disqus.ShowComments(pageIdentifier: "post123")

This will render the DISQUS comments as shown below:

DISQUS comments widget render

Someone will now make a comment here and move to another page and then make another comment. The only way DISQUS has to identify the comments on the basis of the PageIdentifier parameter in the ShowComments method. When some other user requests the same page again from a different geographical location, the DISQUS will check the PageIdentifier and then load the related comments.

I hope this post gives you an overview on how you can integrate DISQUS commenting system on you site in MVC.

Social Counter: JQuery Plugin To Get Twitter, Facebook And Feed Readers Count Sep 2, 2011 API   ASP.NET   JQUERY   WEB

Appending my previous post, I have created a plugin in JQuery to get twitter followers count, facebook likes and feed readers count. In my previous post, I have shown a way to get the counts in ASP.NET and I have created this plugin so that everyone can use and show counts on their blogs or site.

To get started add the two javascript files, one is the jquery file and the other one is the plugin file.

Before I proceed to show you how to get it done, I should explain a bit about my small plugin. This plugin accepts 2 parameters:

  • SocialSite: Name of the social site like Twitter, Facebook and Feeds (case-sensitive).
  • UName: This options holds the user name or the facebook URL or the feed reader URL or the user name.

Now it’s all on the developer/designer where he wants to show the counter. I have set 3 divs on my page with ID. It is not at all necessary to use divs, you can use whatever you want. To get the counts I will do the following on the document.ready function.

$(document).ready(function () {
       $("#tweet").SocialCounter({ SocialSite: 'Twitter', UName: 'prashantmx' });
       $("#FBLikes").SocialCounter({ SocialSite: 'Facebook', UName: '' });
       $("#FeedReader").SocialCounter({ SocialSite: 'Feeds', UName: 'Midnightprogrammer' });

Download: (889.00 bytes)